-Timothy De Deyn - Categorical resolutions of filtered schemes.
Promotor: Prof. dr. Michel Van den Bergh
-Johan Konings - Partial Algebraic Quantum Groups.
Promotor: Prof. dr. Kenny De Commer
-Gilles Ingelbrecht -Parallelization of least Squares Systems of Equations under the Matrix Splitting theory
Promotor: Prof. dr. Kurt Barbé
-Sam Mattheus -Finite geometry and friends: tilings in abelian groups and combinatorics in spherical buildings
Promotors: Prof. dr. Philippe Cara, Prof. dr. Jan De Beule
-Charlotte Verwimp -Verzameling theoretische oplossingen van de Yanq-Baxter vergelijking en geassocieerde algebraÏsche structuren
Promotoren: Prof. dr. Leandro Vendraming, Prof. dr. em. Eric Jespers
-Wouter Van Den Haute -Frame theoretic methods in topology and analysis
Promotoren: Prof. dr. Mark Sioen | Prof. dr. Wendy Lowen
-Tan Lu - Homogeneity models for image processing in the cultural heritage sector
Promotor: Prof. Dr. Ann Dooms
- Timmy Fieremans - Hopf and Frobenius V-categories: Hopf-Galois Theory and the Larson-Sweedler Theorem in Enriched Category Theory
Promotoren: Prof. dr. Stefaan Caenepeel, Prof. dr. Joost Vercruysse
-Doryan TEMMERMAN -Fixed point properties for low rank linear groups over orders and applications to integral group rings.
Promotors: Prof. dr. Eric Jespers Dr. Geoffrey Janssens
-Karen VAN OPDENBOSCH -A study of topological properties in approach theory using monoidal topology
Promotors: Prof. Eva Colebunders Prof. Mark Sioen Prof. Bob Lowen
-Jordy VANPOUCKE -Bounds on Costas permutations and graphs.
Promotor: Prof. dr. Philippe Cara
-Gauthier DIERICKX -A general Darling-Erdős theorem and an integral test for sums of independent and identically distributed random vectors in Euclidean space
Promotor: Prof. dr. Uwe Einmahl
-Geoffrey JANSSENS -Identities of Affine Algebras and Their Asymptotic Behaviour
Promotor: Prof. dr. Eric Jespers
-Theo RAEDSCHELDERS -Manin’s universal Hopf algebras and highest weight categories
Promotor: Prof. Dr. Michel Van den Bergh
-Maya VAN CAMPENHOUT -Finitely generated algebras defined by homogeneous quadratic monomial relations and their underlying monoids
Promotoren: Prof. Dr. Eric Jespers Prof. Dr. Stefaan Caenepeel
-Sara Rottey - Characterising substructures of finite projective spaces
Promotoren: P. Cara, L. Storme & G. Van de Voorde
-Inneke Van Gelder - Group representations: idempotents in group algebras and applications to units.
Promotoren: E. Jespers & G. Olteanu
-Georg Klein - Finitely presented algebras defined by permutation relations
Promotor: E. Jespers
-Ann Kiefer - Units in Integral Group Rings via Fundamental Domains and Hyberbolic Geometry.
Promotor: E. Jespers
-Reema Al-Aifari - Analysis of the truncated Hilbert transform arising in limited data computerized tomography.
Promotoren: M. Defrise & I. Daubechies
-Sarah De Wachter - Fixed point theorems via quantifying approach spaces on domains.
Promotoren: E. Colebunders & M. Schellekens
-Vahid Nassiri - Robust Alternatives to Least Squares for Sparse Estimation with Applications.
Promotoren: Ph. Cara & I. Loris
Isar Goyvaerts - Techniques from monoidal category theory applied to generalized Lie algebras and various types of dualitites.
Promotoren: S. Caenepeel & J. Vercruysse
-Shahzamaniancichani Mohamaadhossein - Finite semigroups and their non-nilpotent graphs.
Promotor: E. Jespers
-Ana-Loredana Agore - Categorical constructions, braidings on monoidal categories and bicrossed products of Hopf algebras.
Promotoren: S. Caenepeel & G. Militaru