Renaud Lambiotte
My bio:
Renaud Lambiotte has a PhD in physics from the Université libre de Bruxelles. After postdocs at ENS Lyon, Université de Liège, UCLouvain and Imperial College London, and a professorship in Mathematics at the University of Namur, he is currently Professor at the Mathematical Institute of Oxford University. Renaud Lambiotte is also an external faculty at the Complexity Science Hub in Vienna, a member of the Department of Mathematics & Data Science of VUB and a Turing Fellow.
His main research interests are the modelling and analysis of processes taking place on large networks, with a particular focus on social and brain networks. His main contributions include the development of algorithms for the clustering of large-scale networks, as well as the modelling of real-world hypergraphs.
He is currently member of the executive committee of the complex systems society, a founding member of the British Chapter of the Network Science Society, as well as a Senior Associate Editor for Science Advances.
Organisatie informatie
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Elsene